Monday, November 16, 2009

Working late

Work has been stressing me out. So much to do and not enough time. Tonight I put a good dent in my column for next week so that I'm not rushing to get it done tomorrow.


  1. Work has been stressful for me, too. I'd say it must be the season for it, but I suspect work is constantly stressful for you. How'd you do this photo? Did you put it on a timer and set it next to you?

  2. Yep. I did the timer. : ) I was surprised by the results. I'm going to experiment more with that. It almost looks voyeuristic. Sorry things are stressful for you too. It's really this time of year for me is really bad. I'm trying to juggle so much on top of my own personal daily life stuff and outside work commitments. Trying to keep it together.
